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ELM327 Manuals

Modified on November 19, 2015 by Nick

Setting up your ELM327 for the first time can be difficult, especially if you have no instructions and have never done any diagnostics on your vehicle before. For those who are experienced and connected to one or more vehicles, the process is pretty easy and takes about a minute to complete. Connecting your ELM327 to your vehicle and passing data from the vehicle to your receiving device is easy, you just need to know how to do it.

Because there are several different types of interfaces (Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi) and numerous types of devices that you can connect to them with (Windows, OSX, Android, iOS, Linux), we have organized this information in a manner that is as easy to follow as possible. This information also includes troubleshooting tips in case you get caught up along the way. But needless to say, every possible scenario we could come up with is documented in this site, on top of that, we always welcome and reply to comments on articles published on our website.

Please note, we have not added instructions for some certain combinations of hardware including USB on OSX, Wi-Fi on OSX and USB on Linux. Should you need any help, please feel free to contact us about this, otherwise, reference the instructions that are closest to your interface and operation system combination there is a good chance you can still get your device connected pretty easily.

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Ruben Malana
116 Months Ago

Thanks for elm327 instruction I learn


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