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How To Use At Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Modified on December 28, 2015 by Nick
How To Use At Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Teeth whitening doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Most people go to the dentist or buy whitening strips that just don’t seem to have the same effect as professional teeth whitening products. Well look no further. Now you can get the same results as you would at the dentist at a similar cost of a few teeth whitening strips.

Our Teeth Whitening kits and pens are manufactured in the USA and FDA approved. You will be able to see results in as little as 1-3 days and the entire whitening process can be done at home.

How it works:

The teeth whitening kits we sell include teeth whitening gel, thermoform trays, a UV accelerator light and a color chart to help you track your progress. When getting started you will first want to form the thermoform tray to your teeth. In order to do that you will boil the tray in boiling water for 3-5 seconds, remove the trays from the water and put them in your mouth to form an impression of your teeth.

Once that is done, you have yourself a whitening tray that you can use over and over and at a fraction of the cost to have a tray professionally made.

Next you will apply a bead of teeth whitening gel from the syringe within the tray so that the gel makes contact with your teeth. While doing this, take care not to get any gel where it can touch your gums. Doing so may result in burns to your gums. If at any time during the whitening process your gums begin to hurt it is best to remove the trays and repeat with a new application the next day. Remember to take your time as you can do this over the course of several days and the results will last for weeks or months.

During the application process, you will want to leave the mouth tray in for as long as the manufacturer suggests. This may vary depending on the concentrate of the hydrogen peroxide in the syringe you purchased. Normal peroxide levels include 22%, 35% and 44%. For 22% you may consider leaving the peroxide in for 10 minutes, 35% 8 minutes and 44% for 6 minutes. Leaving the peroxide in too long or whitening your teeth too often may result in sensitivity. If this happens it is suggest to stop whitening and you may continue after any sensitivity has dissipated.

While whitening your teeth you may consider using a UV accelerator light. This light will help to activate the peroxide and speed up the whitening process.

If you want to make the process even simpler, just use a teeth whitening pen. You can use these without trays, simply apply the gel to the front face of your teeth, wait 10 minutes and rinse the gel off thoroughly with a tooth brush.

How white should you make your teeth? If your teeth are yellowed or stained from coffee or smoking it is suggested to make it a goal to bring them back to normal coloration. In order to keep positive results, reduction in coffee or quitting smoking will give you the best long term results.

If you are simply looking for a brighter smile, go for it! Bring your teeth to the whiteness that you can show off, just remember that there is no need to over-do it.

In conclusion, whitening your teeth can leave you feeling better about yourself and more confident in social atmospheres. It’s possible to whiten your teeth without spending hundreds of dollars and investing in an inexpensive kit can give you the same great results as if you were to have your teeth whitened by a professional. After all, many of our best clients are dentists.


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